⬅️ Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
1A: Overview and Introduction to Lisp
imperative (how to do something) vs declarative (what you are looking for) 🤔
procedures direct the processes
Lisp descriptions of processes, called procedures can themselves be manipulated as Lisp data.
data is stuff that we want to manipulate and procedures are descriptions of the rules for manipulating data
How does the language form complex ideas?
primitives (the simplest entities of a language)
means of combinations (building compound elements from simple elements)
means of abstraction (naming and manipulating compound elements)
you type in an expression and the computers evaluates it.
combination is operator (+, -, etc) with operands
uses prefix notation (the operator comes first) (as opposed to infix) -
parentheses in lisp are precise (you cannot leave them out not can you use them for arbitrary grouping)
parens signal a combination (operator + operands)
read-eval-print loop (read an expression from the terminal, evaluate the expression and print the result)
syntax = the various kinds of expression each with its associated evaluation rule
Procedure definition
Data structures
- two types: atom and list
- and atom is either a number or a symbol
- a list is a sequence of atoms or lists
- we name things with
:(define size 2)
- environment: provides a context in which evaluation takes place aka the memory that keeps track of the name-object pairs
is lisp’s simplest way of abstraction
Black-box abstraction
- primitive objects
- primitive procedures
- primitive data
- means of combination
- procedure combination
- construction of compound data
- means of abstraction
- procedure definition
- simple data abstraction
- capturing common patterns
- high-order procedures
- data as procedures
Applicative-order evaluation vs normal-order evaluation
- in applicative order execution (like regular Scheme), all procedure arguments are evaluated before applying the procedure.
- In normal order execution, procedure arguments are evaluated after applying the procedure, and then only if the result is needed to complete the evaluation of the procedure
- A predicate is a function/procedure/method that returns a boolean (true/false) value based on its inputs.
- usually ends with
- lambda stands for “make a procedure”
- 💡 having defined square we can now use it as a primitive!
- the things that you construct have all the same powers as the primitives
Case analysis
What’s the difference between defining a variable and a procedure?
- ”Lisp descriptions of processes, called procedures, can themselves be represented and manipulated as Lisp data.” 💡 Translated to JS, functions are first-class citizens?
- the name identifies a variable whose value is the object.
is our language’s simplest means of abstraction, for it allows us to use simple names to refer to the results of compound operations- the global environment is in charge of the memory for these name-object pairs
- recursion is a very powerful technique for dealing with hierarchical, treelike objects.
- the “percolate values upward” form of the evaluation rule is an example of a general kind of process known as tree accumulation.
- the key point to notice is the role of the environment in determining the meaning of the symbols in expressions (e.g. what does
do?) define
is a special form (special forms have their own rules for evaluation)- Compound procedures are used in exactly the same way as primitive procedures.
💡 So the left-most operator is always the car
and the rest is the cdr
The substitution model vs app
- fully expand and then reduce (normal-order evaluation)
- the interpreter first evaluates the operator and operands and then applies the resulting procedure to the resulting arguments (applicative-order evaluation)
Case analysis
- predicate follow by a consequent expression
- if none is true then
is returned
- predicate: used for procedures that return true or false, as well as for expressions that evaluate to true or false.
same as:
Square Roots by Newton’s Method
- Procedures are much like ordinary mathematical function. They specify a value that is determined by one or more parameters.
- n mathematics we are usually concerned with declarative (what is) descriptions, whereas in computer science we are usually concerned with imperative (how to) descriptions.
Procedures as Black-Box Abstractions
- a procedure definition should be able to suppress detail (aka procedural abstraction)
- the procedure definition binds its formal parameters (if a variable is not bound it’s free)
- the set of expressions for which a binding defines a name is called the scope of that name.
- In a procedure definition, the bound variables declared as the formal parameters of the procedure have the body of the procedure as their scope.