⬅️ JavaScript ⬅️ Pointer

from: https://www.pointer.io/tags/javascript

JavaScript Bloat in 2024

🔗 here tldr: 10MB of JavaScript is not a lot? 🤷‍♂️

Writing Javascript without a build system

🔗 here

Build systems can do lots of useful things, like:

  • combining 100s of JS files into one big bundle (for efficiency reasons)
  • translating Typescript into Javascript
  • typechecking Typescript
  • minification
  • adding polyfills to support older browsers
  • compiling JSX
  • treeshaking (remove unused JS code to reduce file sizes)
  • building CSS (like tailwind does)
  • and probably lots of other important things

Examples of build systems:

  • webpack, rollup, esbuild, parcel, or vite

A virtual DOM in 200 lines of JavaScript

  • The goal of a virtual DOM: It’s not about performance. A Virtual DOM is an abstraction to simplify the act of modifying a UI.
  1. Create a virtual representation of the DOM
  2. Diff virtual DOM nodes
  3. Apply a virtual DOM diff to an HTML element