⬅️ FEM Docker
Swap the Linux distribution to Alpine (decreasing our container size from 913MB to 86MB):
FROM node:12-alpine
- Alpine is a bare bones alternative to Ubuntu. It’s built on Busybox Linux which is a 2MB distro of Linux (Alpine is 5MB.)
itself is about 80MB andnode:latest
is about 908MB.
Creating your own alpine container
To create your own Alpine container, create a my-node.Dockerfile
FROM alpine:3.10
# uses the Alpine package manager to grab Node.js and npm
RUN apk add --update nodejs npm
# or
RUN apk add --update nodejs-current npm
RUN addgroup -S node && adduser -S node -G node
USER node
RUN mkdir /home/node/code
WORKDIR /home/node/code
COPY --chown=node:node package-lock.json package.json ./
RUN npm ci
COPY --chown=node:node . .
CMD ["node", "index.js"]
# to run (-f is file)
docker build -t my-node -f my-node.Dockerfile .
Multi-stage builds
We know it’s multi-stage because it has two FROM
# build stage
FROM node:12-stretch
WORKDIR /build
COPY package-lock.json package.json ./
RUN npm ci
COPY . .
# runtime stage
FROM alpine:3.10
RUN apk add --update nodejs
RUN addgroup -S node && adduser -S node -G node
USER node
RUN mkdir /home/node/code
WORKDIR /home/node/code
# copy from the first stage
COPY --from=0 --chown=node:node /build .
CMD ["node", "index.js"]
# to run
docker build -t multi-node -f multi-node.Dockerfile .
docker run -p 3000:3000 multi-node
A static project with create-react-app
, typescript
and nginx
npx --ignore-existing create-react-app static-assets-project --template typescript --use-npm.
And the dockerfile
FROM node:latest
COPY . .
RUN npm ci && npm run build
# you could totally use nginx:alpine here too
FROM nginx:latest
COPY --from=0 /app/build /usr/share/nginx/html
# to run
docker build -t static-app .
docker run -p 8080:80 static-app