⬅️ Execute program MySQL

Start a new db

CREATE TABLE users (email TEXT, name TEXT);
INSERT INTO users (email, name) VALUES ('amir@example.com', 'Amir');
SELECT * FROM users;
  • Executing a SELECT always returns an array of objects.

  • For consistency, all SQL statements return arrays. Statements like CREATE, INSERT that don’t retrieve data will return [], an empty array of rows.

  • 💡 A table can have as many columns as we like. (Within reason: SQLite allows up to 2,000 columns by default, but can be configured to allow as many as 32,767.)

  • 💡 SQL keywords like INSERT and SELECT ignore case, so INSERT and InSeRt mean the same thing. Table and column names also ignore case, so users and USErs refer to the same table

  • SQL does respect case within strings. 'a' and 'A' are different strings that are not equal.