⬅️ Books ⬅️ Read one book a week by Frank J Barrett

Improviser’s toolkit

  1. Approach leadership tasks as experiments
    • how can you encourage people to see leadership as a set of learning experiments
    • how can you make it safe to for people to take thoughtful risks?
  2. Boost information processing in the midst of action
    • how can you create spaces for people to tell stories about what they are doing in their work, a chance to share learning experiences and insights?
  3. Prepare for serendipity by deliberately breaking a routine
    • what routines do you notice that need to be deliberately disrupted so as to open the possibility of new thinking and the search for innovative solutions?
  4. Expand the vocabulary of yes to overcome the glamour of no
    • how can you deliberately highlight the positive potential in nascent ideas that have yet to to achieve fruition
    • where have you or others seen an obstacle and turned it into an opportunity?
  5. Take advantage of the clunkers
    • how can you further the belief that both success and failure generate useful data that stimulates learning?
    • when have you learned from a failure yet failed to let others know about it?
  6. Ensure that everyone has a chance to solo from time to time
    • how can you assure that it is safe to articulate diverse views and that they are taken seriously by others?
    • when have you last seen people support one another, help each other to think out loud, to experiment, to take a risk with an unproven idea?
  7. Celebrate comping to create a culture of noble followership
    • how can you reward people for helping others be successful rather than simply rewarding their individual achievements?
    • when have you last actively acknowledged that you rely on others’ input to improve or complete your thinking?
  8. Create minimal structures to maximize autonomy
    • what are the core minimal values and vision that are non-negotiable, to which all must adhere so that all are free to embellish, branch out, respond, and innovate?
  9. Encourage serious play. Too much control inhibits flow.
    • what can you do to lessen anxiety to support ongoing learning and collaboration in your organization?
  10. Jam.
    • where in your organization are the open times or casual places that allow for happy accidents, serendipitous exchanges, fruitful conversations, and curious questions?
  11. Cultivate provocative competence: create expansive promises as occasions for stretching out into unfamiliar territory
    • how are people in our organization playing it safe by repeating what has worked in the past?
    • can you imagine an incremental disruption that might dislodge peoples’ habits and demand that they respond in new ways?