⬅️ CS50 Week 05 - Data Structures

// an empty linked list
node *list = NULL
// We use sizeof(node) to get the right amount of memory to 
// allocate, and malloc returns a pointer that we save as n
node *n = malloc(sizeof(node))
// We want to make sure malloc succeeded in getting memory for us
if (n != NULL)
// This is equivalent to (*n).number, where we first go to the 
// node pointed to by n, and then set the number property. 
// In C, we can also use this arrow notation
    n->number = 1;
// Then we need to make sure the pointer to the next node in our // list isn't a garbage value, but the new node won't point to 
// anything (for now)
    n->next = NULL;

But steps involved are:

  • dynamically allocate spare memory for a new node
  • check to make sure we didn’t run out of memory
  • initialize the node’s val field
  • initialize the node’s next field
  • return a pointer to the newly created node

❗Always insert to the beginning of the list - you already have the pointer to the list’s HEAD

One of the trickiest things with linked lists is figuring out the order of doing this - you certainly don’t want to end up with an orphaned list! When inserting items, always make sure to point to the next item (i.e., previous head) first, before changing the HEAD of the list.

🤔 Every time you allocate memory with malloc, you need to check whether that value != NULL before doing stuff to it. Every time you stuff with pointers, you need to check for NULL as well.

Tradeoff: we need to allocate twice as much memory for each element in order to spend less time adding values. We can’t use binary search.


  • insertion is easy (O(1))
  • deletion is easy
  • lookup is bad (O(n))
  • relatively difficult to sort
  • relatively small-size (not as small as arrays)